Monday, November 3, 2014

November 1,2014: Impulse Momentum Theorm

Purpose:The Purpose of this lab is to verify the impulse momentum theorm. Momentum is equal to P=MV. Impusle is equal to the integral of the force in respects to time. Together  the Change in momentum is equal to impulse.

Apparatus: We used a track, two carts, a motion sensor and a force sensor. We attatched a force sensor on the back of one cart. The other cart had a peice of plastic attached to a spring which would obsorb the collison. The force sensor measured the force between the collisons and the motion sensor measured the velocity of the cart.

What We Did: We opened up logger pro and imputed our two sensors so that they could be read. We zerored out our force sensor and changed the direction of our motion sensor. Now we were ready to do our collisions. We left the cart with the plastic stick sticking out stationary. Next we gave the cart with the force sensor a push so that it could collied with the stationary cart. after the collision the cart that was pushed toward the stationary cart was pushed back by the plastic stick with the spring.

Our Data: Once we collected our data by collecting it in logger pro, we had to evaluate it. In order to find the impulse, we had to integrate over the period of the collison(the force). This integration is shown as a Red solid in the graphs below. Our data shows three graphs. One is a force vs time graph, the second is a position vs time graph and the third is a velocity vs time graph.

In order to prove that the momentum-Impulse theorm is true we had to set up the equation below.

mVf - mVi= Impulse     Where the impulse is simply the integral of the collision,

Above is the collision between the carts with the mass of the cart being .99kg
Above is the collision between the carts with the mass of the cart being .435 kg
vi=.268 m/s 
vf= -.245 m/s

Above is our experiment of when our cart collied with the clay: This causes Vf to be equal to 0 



Conclusion: Our Data above does have a bit of error. However, the error is so low which allows this theory to be true. Reasons for error may have been false readings by our motion or force sensors. Overall we conclude that The Change of momentum is equal to T
he impulse where the impulse is simply the integral of the collision.(The force)

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