Thursday, October 9, 2014

October 9th, 2014- Work-Energy Theorem

Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to find the relationship between work and energy. We had to prove that Kinetic energy is equal to total work done.

Apparatus: We set up our apparatus which consisted of a cart, a track for the cart, a spring, a force sensor, and a motion sensor.

Our set up
What we did: We logged onto logger pro and connected both of our devices which included the motion sensor and the force detector. We first zeroed out our force sensor. Then we connected our motion sensor and reversed the direction of the motion sensor since the cart would be traveling away from the motion sensor rather than toward. Next we pulled the cart and pressed collect data on logger pro and let go of the cart. This gave us two charts. One was a position vs time chart and the other was a position vs force chart.

What we did with our data: The first thing we did was add in an extra curve for Kinetic energy. That is the purple curve above. In order to prove that kinetic energy was equal to force we had to find the integral of the force which is the red line above. We did this by clicking the integral function in logger pro. We integrated at three different locations. Below are our three charts already integrated.

Conclusion: The Graphs above prove that Kinetic energy is equal to the integral of force. This proves that kinetic energy is equal to total work since the integral of force is force over a specific distance. You can check this by looking at our graph and comparing the kinetic energy and the integral for force. This is extremely useful when finding energy problems and you are also given a force.

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