Monday, September 22, 2014

September 15-2014- Trajectories

Purpose: To understand projectile motion and predict the impact point of a ball on an inclined board.

Materials: Aluminum V channels, a steel ball, a wooden board, a ring stand, a clamp, paper, and carbon paper.

What we did: We first set up our run for the steel ball to travel through. We stood up the ring stand and taped the V channel onto one of the extending post. We then connected the bottom of that V channel to another  horizontal V channel. Next we placed our steel ball onto the top of the ramp and tried to find out where the ball landed off the table. Once we had an idea of where the ball landed we taped our carbon paper that was sandwiched between two regular papers in the area where the ball landed. Finally we put the ball back to its original testing point and allowed it to roll off the table and land onto the carbon paper. This left an imprint of carbon on the back side of the white paper in which we would use to calculate the distance the ball traveled in the horizontal direction. We used the height of the table as the distance traveled in the vertical direction.
 Our ramp
 This is the end of where the ball flew off of.
This is the carbon paper that took an imprint of the ball when it landed.
What we did with this information that we obtained: With our first run we were able to obtain valuable initial information information.
Delta x= 64.5 cm(.645m)                      Delta Y=93cm (.93 m)
a=0                                                        a=G=9.8 m/s^2

We are able to calculate Time using the variables in Y. 
After calculating for time we find that T is equal to .44seconds.
Time is very important because it is uniform on both the x and y direction. This provides us with the third  of five unknowns on both sides of the kinematic equations.

Pic of calculations
Making a prediction of where the ball would land on a plank of would at the given angle: First we grabbed a piece of wood and randomly placed it in an angle from the floor to the table. (Photo Below)

Angel is equal to 50
We found that our angle was equal to 50 degrees. We also determined that the height (Delta Y) was equal to 93.5 cm. Next we found time since we know that acceleration in the y direction is equal to g. We then created different kinematic equation and came up with these unknowns.
In order to make our prediction we had to use a new formula to find t at the moment it hit the wood. Our team determined that it would take .356seconds. We multiplied the time t by the velocity in the x direction and came up with a horizontal distance of 52cm from the table. We 2 meter sticks to make a right angle one parallel to the table and the other perpendicular to the floor and the meter stick at 52 cm. We marked the spot where the perpendicular stick crossed the wood and placed the carbon paper on top of it. Finally we let the ball launch off the table to hit the wood with the carbon paper and found that the ball traveled 51 cm in the x direction.

Conclusion: After studying projectile motion we put it to the test. After careful analysis we were able to predict the position of the steel ball and predicted the landing1cm or .01m too far from the actual position. We Learned that velocity in the x direction is always constant and as long as we have velocity and a time we could figure out the position in the x direction. This lab taught us how to use and manipulate all the kinematic equations to find what we need to find.

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